Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hawaii Day 10: In Which I Find the Death Star, Your A$$ is Calling, and The Trump Tower Sucks.

The day before our last day was mostly spent in denial that we only had two days left. So we went shopping, and not to the beach. I’m not sure why. It was all extremely fancy and overpriced, but I did find this Lego Death Star, which was AWESOME.

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See Luke and Leia in the garbage room? C3-PO and R2 are on another level, and Darth is up on top. Pretty much anyone who is anyone in Star Wars is here on the Death Star. I want one for my birthday please.

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We did come to our senses in the afternoon and spent it at the beach, and the pool, which we thought was our pool, but was actually the pool for the hotel next door, The Modern. But they didn’t mind too much after we all ordered $15 cocktails. Or mocktails in my case. This place had a great pool and bar which became our happy hour locale each day. If ever we lost a member of our group, they could usually be found at The Modern having a drink and lounging on one of the poolside beds. The place attracted a younger crowd, as evidenced by the message we found on one of the loungers

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It says “Is your butt butt-dialing me cause that ass is calling”. Quite clever, I thought. Not sure when I would actually say it, as I suspect it would sound ridiculous coming from me. I would have to be 6ft tall and all curvy and probably African-American to really deliver that line properly.

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The sunset was wicked that night from our balcony.

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After dark, we went out for stroll, and found ourselves at the new Trump Tower Hotel. I had heard it was absolutely amazing, so we went in, prepared to be floored, and came out bored. Underwhelming, Mr.Trump.

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This was the pool. Lame.

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I’ll take the Moana Surfrider any day over the Trump. Beautiful original woodwork and a fantastic pool and bar right on the beach.

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We also found this fabulous tea and gelato store where we all refueled on matcha and passion fruit gelato, and pomegranate green tea. So good.

Americans are funny about their tea. They don’t quite get it. you have to specify ‘hot’ tea when you order your morning tea otherwise you get a glass of cold unsweetened tea. It’s a bit weird. Tea is already hot. They don’t make you ask for hot toast. Not yet anyway. Could you do something about the hot tea thing, America? Pass an amendment that makes it unlawful to not understand that tea is already hot?

Actually, don’t worry about the tea/toast thing. Please focus on doing something about all the guns first. And good luck with that. Stupid NRA.

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You’re welcome.

It is possible to walk several miles at night in Waikiki there is that much going on. It’s kind of awesome. But also tiring, so we found our way back to the condo, and collapsed into bed.

Thanks for reading,



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